Varför är oljor så viktiga för vackert, friskt hår?

Why are oils so important for beautiful, healthy hair?

When we talk about hair care, it’s easy to focus on shampoo, conditioner and styling products, but oils are the crucial ingredient that really makes a difference. Oils are found in all of our hair...
Alla våra Massageverktyg

All our Massage Tools

The foundation of healthy hair starts in the scalp! We offer five different Massage Hair Brushes and a Circulation Comb, all designed to give your hair and scalp the best possible care. Our brushes are...
Borsttekniken – Vårt bästa råd mot håravfall

Brushing technique – Our best advice against hair loss

Do you have problems with hair loss? Do you panic when you see hairs collecting in the shower drain? Do you wonder if it's normal to lose so much hair and if there's anything you...
Fuktspray som stylingprodukt eller vårdande produkt?

Moisture spray as a styling product or a caring product?

Our Moisture Sprays are versatile and can be used for both styling and conditioning, depending on how you choose to apply them. Discover how to get the most out of your Moisture Spray below! Use...
Så löser du problem med obalans i din hårbotten

How to solve problems with imbalance in your scalp

Oily scalp and dry lengths? Are you also struggling with whether to wash your hair today or not? Your lengths are dry and tangled, but your scalp is getting oily in no time! Maybe you're...
Upplever du problem med mjäll?

Are you experiencing problems with dandruff?

Do you have problems with your scalp itching and flaking? Have you tried countless dandruff shampoos and conditioning products without success? There can be many causes of dandruff and scalp problems. Here we go over...
Övergång från Kemteknisk hårvård till Växtteknisk hårvård

Transition from Chemical Hair Care to Plant-Based Hair Care

Do you want to replace your chemical hair care routine with plant-based hair care that is better for both you and nature? How great that you want to take that step! In this article, we’ll...
Grunden till ett friskt och starkt hår börjar i skalpen

The foundation for healthy and strong hair begins in the scalp

We offer five different massage brushes and a specially designed circulation comb, all manufactured in collaboration with a family business in Germany. Our tools are carefully designed to combine high quality and durability with effective...
Minimalistisk och naturlig styling från Herbhub – skonsam hårvård

Minimalist and natural styling from Herbhub – gentle hair care

Discover Herbhub Sweden's minimalist and natural styling series! This series goes against traditional norms of what styling "should" be and offers a sustainable and healthy approach. Our products are created with a focus on versatility...