All about Brushing Technique – The Path to Healthy and Stronger Hair

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To achieve healthy hair and a balanced scalp, blood circulation is crucial. By brushing regularly, you can stimulate blood flow to the head, and this is exactly what our founder Lena Hellman has focused on in developing the Brushing Technique.

After over 40 years as a hairdresser, Lena has seen fantastic results in clients who practice the technique, with many experiencing increased hair growth and improvements in scalp problems such as dryness and dandruff.

Thinking of your scalp as a "soil" similar to that of a garden can help you understand the importance of good scalp health. Just as good soil produces strong crops, a healthy scalp produces stronger, more vibrant hair.

Why the Brushing Technique works:

Brushing your hair with the Massage Brush every night helps increase blood flow to the hair follicles, supplying them with important nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins: Vitamin B (biotin), D and E, all of which contribute to hair health.

  • Minerals: Iron, zinc and magnesium, which are important for oxygen transport and hair growth.

  • Oxygen: Blood supplies cells, including hair follicles, with oxygen, which is necessary for the cells to function.

  • Water: Blood plasma, which is largely made up of water (about 90%), transports nutrients and helps keep the body hydrated.

When you practice the Brush Technique, you also train the erector spinae muscle. A 2019 Harvard University study shows that this muscle has a direct connection to the stem cells of the hair follicles. A strong and intact erector spinae muscle can activate stem cells and stimulate new hair growth.

The results of regular use of the Brushing Technique:

We have been using the Brushing Technique for over 20 years with impressive results. Each hair has a lifespan of 6-8 years and grows approximately 12 cm per year. Through regular brushing, each hair can become thicker and more healthy. After about 7-8 months, you will see clear improvements: your hair will gain more volume, hair loss will decrease, and your hair will become stronger and healthier.

The massage brush is specially designed to optimize Brushing Technique and is all you need to get started. With a daily routine where you brush your hair every night, you can achieve vibrant hair, a healthier scalp and natural volume that lasts.

We wish you good luck with your practice of the Brushing Technique – and hope that you, like our thousands of customers, will discover the joy of strong, healthy hair!

/ Lena Hellman, Founder of Herbhub Sweden and Borsttekniken