Give your hair the summer boost it needs to withstand salty baths, sunny days and adventures in the garden! During the summer, hair is exposed to extra wear and tear from the sun and salt water, which can lead to dryness and tangles. Here's a super tip: mix our Hair Elixir hair oil with one of our Moisture Sprays for ultimate care!
Here's how you do it:
After showering or every evening after brushing, take one pump of Hair Elixir and combine with five sprays of Moisture Spray. Massage the mixture into your palms and apply throughout your hair, starting at the lengths and working your way towards the scalp. If you have silver hair, you may benefit from using more product, as the hair no longer has the same natural "lubricant" that it gets from the melanin (pigment). Silver hair therefore requires extra care with oil and moisture.
Keeping your hair moisturized is crucial to protecting the hair's cuticle, which closes with the right moisture balance. When your hair is dry, the cuticle opens, leading to frizz and tangles. With a combination of hair oil and moisture spray, you can create a moisture membrane that gives your hair elasticity, bounce and shine. Make sure to regularly lubricate and moisturize your hair and scalp for healthy, easy-to-care-for hair all year round! 😃💚